Top 3 Stoxbox for 2022
The power of choice can be very empowering. Now, imagine if the power of choice was combined with the benefits of customisation. Wouldn’t that be great? The ability to choose from a host of customised investment products that give you an opportunity to invest as per your chosen theme or give you the desired asset class, investment strategy, or industry exposure. This might sound too good to be true, right? However, you need not fret. Stoxbox makes this a reality by creating a curated investment portfolio based on unique investment themes and strategies. From among the wide range of stoxbox available, here are our top 5 picks for you to consider this New Year.

MNC box: MNC companies are those that in addition to operating in their domestic markets also operate in various foreign countries. They are usually global companies with a strong parentage, competitive advantage, good management, and significant balance sheet strength. Due to these factors, they can become compelling investment opportunities. The MNC stoxbox can help you gain access to select MNCs which are a part of the top 500 and have shown to generate consistent returns over the long-term based on our proprietary algorithm. With the MNC stoxbox, you will not only get access to MNC stocks but to those that have been carefully selected from a universe of top companies.
Balanced Edge box: One of the most important tenets of investing is asset allocation. When you spread your portfolio investments across multiple asset classes then you are able to spread risk across different investments. The two major asset classes that every investor must be present in are debt and equity. While debt investments protect portfolio downside, equity investments create the potential for long-term growth. However, the biggest challenge comes when you need to decide how much to allocate to which asset class and when to switch from one asset class to another. This is where the Balanced Edge box can come to your rescue. When equity markets are doing well, the Stoxbox will dynamically increase exposure to equities and when markets start falling, it will automatically reduce equity exposure and increase exposure to debt investments. As a result, you are able to invest in a readymade quality portfolio and automate asset allocation.
Core box: Everyone needs to layer the equity exposure of their investment portfolio with a solid foundation. This is created by investing in a set of stocks that have robust fundamentals and the potential for good long-term growth. Now, instead of individually searching for such companies you can simply invest in the Core box. By investing in the Core box you get to invest in fundamentally strong companies that have a good track record and strong management capabilities. Further, you are also not limited by market capitalisation as the Core stoxbox invests in large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap companies.
Choice is not always a good thing. However, with stoxbox, you have investment options with very clear benefits that can potentially be well-aligned with your investment goals. Through a stoxbox, you have access to curated investment portfolios that can offer you opportunities that can help you gain the desired investment exposure and diversify in a transparent and low-cost manner.
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