delta in call and put Option Trading Strategies

  1. Trading for professionals: Options trading
    1. Call Option Basics learn the basic Definition with Examples
    2. Call option and put option understanding types of options
    3. What Is Call Option and How to Use It With Example
    4. Options Terminology The Master List of Options Trading Terminology
    5. Options Terms Key Options Trading Definitions
    6. Buy call option A Beginner’s Guide to Call Buying
    7. How to Calculate Profit on Call Option
    8. Selling Call Option What is Writing/Sell Call Options in Share Market?
    9. Call Option Payoff Exploring the Seller’s Perspective
    10. American vs European Options What is the Difference?
    11. Put Option A Guide for Traders
    12. put option example: Analysis of Bank Nifty and the Bearish Outlook
    13. Put option profit formula: P&L Analysis and Break-Even Point
    14. Put Option Selling strategies and Techniques for Profitable Trading
    15. Call and put option Summary Guide
    16. Option premium Understanding Fluctuations and Profit Potential in Options Trading
    17. Option Contract moneyness What It Is and How It Works
    18. option moneyness Understanding itm and otm
    19. option delta in option trading strategies
    20. delta in call and put Option Trading Strategies
    21. Option Greeks Delta vs spot price
    22. Delta Acceleration in option trading strategies
    23. Secrets of Option Greeks Delta in option trading strategies
    24. Delta as a Probability Tool: Assessing Option Profitability
    25. Gamma in option trading What Is Gamma in Investing and How Is It Used
    26. Derivatives: Exploring Delta and Gamma in Options Trading
    27. Option Gamma in options Greek
    28. Managing Risk in Options Trading: Exploring Delta, Gamma, and Position Sizing
    29. Understanding Gamma in Options Trading: Reactivity to Underlying Shifts and Strike Prices
    30. Mastering Option Greeks
    31. Time decay in options: Observing the Effect of Theta
    32. Put Option Selling: Strategies and Techniques for Profitable Trading
    33. How To Calculate Volatility on Excel
    34. Normal distribution in share market
    35. Volatility for practical trading applications
    36. Types of Volatility
    37. Vega in Option Greeks: The 4th Factors to Measure Risk
    38. Options Trading Greek Interactions
    39. Mastering Options Trading with the Greek Calculator
    40. Call and Put Option Guide
    41. Option Trading Strategies with example
    42. Physical Settlement in Option Trading
    43. Mark to Market (MTM) and Profit/Loss Calculation
Marketopedia / Trading for professionals: Options trading / delta in call and put Option Trading Strategies

Delta for a Call Option

The delta of a call option is a number between 0 and 1, in this case, 30 or 0.3. This informs us how the price of an option changes in relation to price movements of the underlying asset.

We can ascertain that the delta measures the rate of change of premium with every move in the underlying. With a 0.3 delta, it can be assumed that for each single point shift in the underlying, there will be a corresponding movement of 0.3 units in the premium or 30 points for each 100-point variation in the underlying.

Example 1:

Nifty @ 10:55 AM is at 11,500

Option Strike = 11,400 Call Option

Premium = 220

Delta of the option = +0.40

Nifty @ 3:15 PM is expected to reach 11,550

What can we expect the option premium value to be at 3:15 PM?

Given the Delta of the option being 0.40, we can calculate that any move of 1 point in the underlying will result in an equivalent 0.40-point change in the premium. We anticipate a 50-point increase in the underlying price (11,550 – 11,500), which leads to an expected increase in premium:

= 50 * 0.40

= 20

Therefore, the new option premium is expected to trade around 240 (220 + 20), which accounts for the old premium plus the expected change.

Example 2:

Nifty @ 10:55 AM is at 11,500

Option Strike = 11,400 Call Option

Premium = 220

Delta of the option = 0.40

Nifty @ 3:15 PM is expected to reach 11,400

What is the likely premium value at 3:15 PM?

 We anticipate that Nifty will drop by 100 points, from 11,400 to 11,500, resulting in a decrease in the premium.

= -100 * 0.40

= -40

Therefore, the premium is expected to trade around

= 220 – 40

= 180 (new premium value)

By analysing the delta of the call options, you can quickly determine which one to buy. The delta provides an idea of how much the premium value is expected to gain with a 100-point move in Nifty.

Call Option 1 has a delta of 0.10

Call Option 2 has a delta of 0.30

To decide which option to buy, let’s calculate the change in premium for each:


Change in underlying = 100 points

Call Option 1 Delta = 0.10

Change in premium for Call Option 1 = 100 * 0.10= 10

Call Option 2 Delta = 0.30

Change in premium for Call Option 2 = 100 * 0.30= 30

Based on these calculations, Call Option 2 is expected to have a larger change in premium, making it a more favourable choice.

It’s clear from this example that the delta can help traders pick the best option strike to trade. However, there’s more to it than that – we’ll discuss additional factors soon.

At this juncture, an essential query arises – What is the rationale behind the restriction of delta for a call option between 0 and 1? What is stopping it from going above or below those limits?

To gain insight into this, I will present two situations where the delta value is set above 1 and below 0.

Scenario 1: Delta greater than 1 for a call option

Nifty @ 10:55 AM is at 12,000

Option Strike = 11,800 Call Option

Premium = 200

Delta of the option = 1.8 (intentionally set above 1)

Nifty @ 3:15 PM is expected to reach 12,300

What is the likely premium value at 3:15 PM?

Change in Nifty = 300 points

Therefore, the change in premium (considering the delta is 1.8)

= 1.8 * 300

= 540

This implies that a 300-point shift in the underlying results in a 540-point increase in the premium. It’s important to note that the option’s value cannot surpass that of its underlying asset since it is a derivative contract.


A delta of 1 is ideal, indicating that the option is closely tracking its underlying asset. Any delta value greater than 1 is considered nonsensical and is typically capped at either 1 or 100.


Let’s apply the same reasoning to understand why the delta of a call option is never less than 0.


Scenario 2: Delta lesser than 0 for a call option

Nifty @ 10:55 AM is at 12,500

Option Strike = 12,800 Call Option

Premium = 50

Delta of the option = -0.3 (deliberately set below 0, resulting in a negative delta)

Nifty @ 3:15 PM is expected to reach 12,200

What is the likely premium value at 3:15 PM?

Change in Nifty = -300 points (12,500 – 12,200)

Therefore, the change in premium (considering the delta is -0.3)

= -0.3 * -300

= 90

Just for this example, let us assume that this is correct. Therefore, the new premium would be

= 90 + 50

= 140


This scenario clearly demonstrates why the delta of a call option cannot be lower than 0. Remember that the premium of both call and put options can never be negative. Thus, if the delta of a call option drops below 0, the premium would go below 0, which is an impossible scenario.



 –How is the value of delta decided, and by whom?

The Black & Scholes option pricing formula takes in a variety of inputs and outputs some key values, such as the delta. As previously stated, later on in this module we will explore the B&S formula more closely to gain further understanding of options. Remember, that the delta, along with the other Greeks, are derived from the market and calculated using the B&S formula.

To determine the delta of an option, you can rely on a B&S option pricing calculator.

– Delta for a Put Option

Remember that the Delta of a Put Option ranges from -1 to 0. The negative sign reflects the fact that when the underlying increases in value, the premium decreases.

The option 8268 is slightly ITM (In The Money) as shown on the table above, with a delta of approximately -0.55.

The aim is to assess the new premium cost in light of the delta value of -0.55. Please bear in mind the computations done below.

Scenario 1: Nifty is anticipated to move to 8310.

Expected change = 8310 – 8268

= 42

Delta = – 0.55

= -0.55*42

= -23.1

Current Premium = 128

New Premium = 128 -23.1

= 104.9

In this case, I am subtracting the delta value because I am aware that the value of a put option decreases as the underlying value increases.

Scenario 2: It is anticipated that Nifty will move to 8230

Expected change = 8268 – 8230

= 38

Delta = – 0.55

= -0.55*38

= -20.9

Current Premium = 128

New Premium = 128 + 20.9

= 148.9

Here, I’ve accounted for delta since knowing that the value of a Put option will increase as the underlying value decreases.

I trust that the two examples provided in this article have given you a clear understanding of how to utilise the delta of a put option to determine its updated premium value. I will not delve into the reasons behind the limitation of the put option’s delta between -1 and 0 in this discussion.

I suggest the readers employ the same thought process we used to comprehend the bounds of a call option’s delta (0 and 1) for understanding why a put option’s delta is (-1 and 0).


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