StoxBox 101

Stock Market Basics -by StoxBox

Master the stock market from scratch with Stoxbox 101. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to strengthen your foundation, this course provides a step-by-step guide to understanding the stock market’s fundamental principles, terminology, and key aspects.

Start date

2nd MAR 2024


2 Weeks


1267 Traders

₹ 9,999 +GST

StoxBox - Technology based Value Broker
Here's what you get,

What will you learn?

  • Types of traders
  • Indian financial system
  • Indian Stock broking industry
  • Trading process
  • Trading Terminology
  • Risk management
  • Psychology of Trading
  • Trade log
  • Economic and Industry Analysis
  • Technical Analysis
  • Company Analysis
  • Ratio Analysis

Our previous programs

StoxBox Power Trader Training
StoxBox 101

“I have attended free webinars by Mr. Nikhil. I also watch his post market view and pre market view regularly on YouTube. I opened an account with StoxBox 3 months ago and traded at just Rs 10 brokerage. I have not used StoxCalls yet”

– Prakash Patil

StoxBox 101

Start date

02 MAR 2024


2 Weeks


1267 Traders

₹ 9,999+GST

More by MentorBox

If you are new to the world of finance and investing, learning the stock market basics is the first step towards understanding how the share market works. A comprehensive guide for beginners can provide valuable insights into the fundamentals of stock trading and the functioning of the share market. It covers essential concepts such as how stocks are bought and sold, the role of stock exchanges, and the factors influencing stock prices. Moreover, beginners can learn about different types of orders, market trends, and the importance of diversification. By understanding these stock market basics, beginners can develop a strong foundation for their investment journey and make informed decisions when entering the world of share market trading.
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